Friday 6 January 2012

my idol.

Marilyn Monroe is an iconic female actor. We had to design a collage influenced by kurt schwitters, he has imagery, texture and even text in his work so what better than to do a collage of my favourite female model. i used alot of her quotes as text an image of her and a few old style textured imagery... my image also looks the same as one of kurt schwitters work where he has a 50's pin up style woman in it. here is my image below an below my image is kurt schwitters that inspired me to create my work.

Thursday 15 December 2011

shark. mark 3!!!!!!

Another one guysss!! yep the one in my previous post wasnt good enough for me so i had to do another one :) hope you like it its inspired by kurt schwitters collages...
for this image i scanned in scrunched up lined paper which i flattened out before scanning and an image of a tonal fish drawing i had done in another class.
i lay the lined paper in my first layer then created a box over the top, i made this box blue and softened the transparency so the lined paper became clear enough to see through.
i placed my fish image on top after live sketching it, and for the brush strokes i changed the type of brush stroke in the settings in illustrator and free handed some wavy lines to look like sea weed.

Monday 5 December 2011

shark. mark 2

i have created another fish collage to back up my other one in this one i got my scanned fish image and edited it so it was just a black outline then Googled blood splatters put this behind the fish outline and also put the word shark in and made the transparency 25% so it gave it a subtle feel.

our theme produce

These images are from my typography lesson here are images on a few different types of font and typography images an different styles using layers and different effects...

octopus hair!!

i was that happy with the outcome of 'fish hair' that i decided to do another one. looking at andrew banneckers images i found another one to work on i did this image based on an octopus here is the final image below and andrew banneckers version below that image.

andrew bannecker!

i love andrew banneckers work here are a few images that i liked, i found them on google...

fish drawings created inside and outside of college :)

here are a few drawings i have created in college of fish... the image directly below is a tonal drawing of a fish
the next image is a coloured pencil study of a crab and below that image is an ink study of the same crab

the next image is the ink image again only this time it is a photocopy, as you can see it doesnt look anything like the one above, this is because when it was photocopied it was moved along the scanner to create an abstract effect.