Thursday 24 November 2011

final fish image >(((,")

When I looked back at my fish hair image I realized it wasn't quite finished, I needed a background! So I went on Google and typed in water backgrounds… it came up with a vast amount of water backgrounds, one problem I had was that most of them had watermarks on them!! When I finally found one I used it in my background, but it didn’t quite go with the image, it was too bright and needed to be subtle. Firstly I changed the transparency of the background this made it look foggy and you couldn’t see the bubbles I drew around the head, so as a result I had to change the colour of the bubbles, this didn’t make the background any less foggy though so I kept the background solid colour (100%). I changed the transparency of the bubbles around the head instead, this worked really well as then it looked like the bubbles were almost clear just like real bubbles!!!

Here is my final finished fish drawing inspired by Andrew Bannecker.

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